In our previous meditation, we mentioned one of the twin-prayer of David in this verse. He asked for the abiding presence of the Lord. We understand that it takes the presence of the Lord to level obstacles and birth dreams into reality. The second prayer is no less noble than the first one. This time, he beseeched the Lord not to take the Holy Spirit away from him. How important is this prayer? It is the Spirit that guides in the way to go. The Spirit shows window of opportunities and energizes us to pursue correctly. It was the combination of the presence of God and the anointing of the Spirit that made a life of exploit possible for Jesus. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (Acts 10:38, KJV).
Abiding results come only as we daily draw strength from the Spirit of grace…Running the race of life with Him is assurance for victory.”
Jesus offered no different tool for the disciples in the pursuit of their assignments. He told them to wait for exactly the same kind of equipping that He got; that is, the divine presence and the anointing. In some part of Isaiah’s prophecy, the Lord promised His people that they will not labour in vain. To make this a reality, nothing must be left to chance or our whims. Too often we like to hit the road running as if victory is tied strictly to our efforts alone. Before long we will hit some dead end, because our own strength can only carry us so far. Abiding results come only as we daily draw strength from the Spirit of grace. Jesus calls Him another Helper, our able Teacher. Running the race of life with Him is assurance for victory.