In various ways and at different times, the world has witnessed man’s inhumanity to man. However, at some other times we have also known the beauty of life when human beings allow the milk of kindness to flow freely. Strangely, this milk of kindness often flows in dire situations. That was one other lesson that COVID-19 brought to the fore. Suddenly, everyone became their brother’s keeper. Calls and text messages were sent in droves. I received several of such messages myself. People would call or text just to know how I was doing. They would end their conversation with exhortation for me to keep safe.
“Our everyday life is designed to be devoted to good works – in words and deeds.”
Three things are obvious from our text. Firstly, it speaks of our purchase. The shedding of Jesus’ blood was the price of purchase from the slave market of sin. That was the highest price that could ever be paid. Not only were we purchased, but we were also purified. Salvation through Christ gives us access to the washing of water by the word. That is the second obvious fact from the text. Having done these two, God went ahead to place us. There is a placement for every child of God. That placement is to get us engaged in doing good works. We are not saved and purged to be onlookers. We have come into God’s draft, designed to be full of good works. All we have to add here is that our good works should not be seasonal or tied to emergency situations alone. Jesus went about doing good; and so must we. Our everyday life is designed to be devoted to good works – in words and deeds.