It was in my Political Science class that I first learned of the principle of concentric cycle. It was taught regarding Nigeria’s foreign policy. It simply states that the main thrust of the government’s foreign policy should begin with her immediate neighbours and move progressively to the rest of the world. I found that Jesus introduced this principle to the spread of the gospel. When He commanded the disciples to preach, they were to begin from Jerusalem, their immediate community and spread to Judaea, and then Samaria before moving to the uttermost part of the earth. This same principle applies to our Christian stewardship. Our text suggests that we should seize every opportunity to help people, beginning with members of the household of faith. When it comes to ministering to the world, our charity must begin at home.
“seize every opportunity to help people, beginning with members of the household of faith. When it comes to ministering to the world, our charity must begin at home”
Why is it important to reach out to others in benevolence? We have one reason in Proverbs 21:13. “If you refuse to listen to the cry of the poor, your own cry for help will not be heard.” (GNT). Since in life we are often confronted with unexpected needs, helping others becomes a seed sown which comes around at some point in future as harvest. In addition, Psalm 41 lists other benefits for a life devoted to lifting others. This includes deliverance in times of trouble; preservation from evil; blessing upon work of the hand; and healing. Finally, the same Psalm promises those who reach out to others that God will not allow the will of their enemies to come to pass. Committing to helping others will enrich your life with greater happiness than you can imagine.