In our previous meditation, we learned that if we soldier on, the breakthrough that we seek will come. However, it will be a mistake to think everything will jell all at once. God promised to give the land of Canaan as an inheritance to the children of Abraham. Our text spelt out the method He would use; He was not going to give them everything at once, but little by little. Could God afford to give everything at once? Of course, because there is nothing impossible with God. However, doing that would run counter to His principle. At creation He did His work orderly, sequentially, and a little at a time, setting precedence for how He would accomplish His plan for His people. Without understanding this principle, we might rubbish what He is giving presently.
He will never allow any increase that will overwhelm you so that the blessing does not become a curse…
God will bring increase your way a little at a time not just because of His principle but because of your capacity to receive. He will never allow any increase that will overwhelm you so that the blessing does not become a curse. Therefore, when we submit to His discipline and the training, we facilitate our access to greater blessings. Be thankful to God for where you are now, and count on His promise to take you further in life. Remember, if you walk closely with God your light can only shine brighter.