Towards the end of October last year, 33-year-old Keisha Golden was accused of fatally stabbing her boyfriend to death. What led to that was the argument over who would first use their microwave. Although prosecutors said that the woman had no criminal history, it was noted that she and her boyfriend had filed five domestic violence reports with police between June and the day of that tragic incident. Keisha was reported to be pregnant with her boyfriend’s baby at that time. From the prosecutors’ report, it appears that the couple had unresolved anger issues. She would most likely end up in jail.
Never underestimate the power of negative traits could do to you. Identify them early, and trust God for grace to get rid of them.
In a recent meditation, we learned of the need to identify stoppers to our progress and eliminate them. Just yesterday, we learned of a man who refused to forgive his father. That is a stopper; and as long as that continues, there can be no certain progress for the young man. The above story further proves that if left untreated, behavioural defects can spell disaster. Anger became the undoing of this couple, leaving a corpse in its wake. This defect also had telling consequences in the life of Moses. In anger, he smote an Egyptian. In anger, he smote the rock when what was required was to speak to it. That kept him from entering the Promised Land. Never underestimate the power of negative traits could do to you. Identify them early, and trust God for grace to get rid of them.