Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He commanded the disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. That is what we have come to know as the Great Commission. This is the greatest work of all. Unfortunately, believers pay only lip service to this. If half of the zeal we show towards our personal pursuit is devoted to the Gospel, we should be close to winning the world over by now. It is for the purpose of carrying out this task that God gave us the Holy Spirit. Strangely, we have reduced that only to a vehicle for speaking in other tongues. Tongues are good for edification, no doubt, it also has a fire or power dimension that should help us carry out the gospel to the world.
“If we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, many people will like to know the secret of such life and come to God.”
How can we become effective witness for Christ? Recently, I came up with three basic steps. The primary way is to live the life of Christ before the world. We are called the epistles which people read. The Christian life is glorious and attractive. If we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, many people will like to know the secret of such life and come to God. Secondly, we should learn to speak out God’s word, emphasizing His love for humanity. That is the reason Jesus came to die for us. It is not the volume of the word that we speak or the eloquence with which it is spoken that matters. The Spirit of the Lord is able to energize our own weak words to bring conviction to sinners. Finally, make it a habit to invite people to Gospel events. Don’t go to Church alone; invite the un-churched along. In the environment of the word and worship, the power of God can change anyone.