Recently, I was at a ministers’ forum where I decisively dealt with the unscriptural doctrine of ‘spirit husband’. During the question and answer session, a female minister asked me how to go about helping those who are hooked to this teaching. I encouraged her to help the victims acquire a new mindset or perspective. As long as they keep believing in so-called ‘spirit husband’, they will continue to see its manifestation. What we see matters. God asked Jeremiah what he saw, to which he replied, “I see a branch of an almond tree.” (Jeremiah 1:11 NKJV). At that point, God assured him of performing quickly what he had seen.
“What people see governs their lives.”
When the seventy disciples returned from their mission, they reported to Jesus that the demons were subject to them in His name. Jesus responded, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” (Luke 10:18 NKJV). Also, in our text, James submitted that even demons believe in the existence of God and tremble. Our experience will reflect the type of demons we see. Do we see trembling demons or terrorising ones? It seems that many believers are accustomed to the latter.
” Our eyes must be anointed by the truth of God’s word, so that we can see Satan’s position
Our eyes must be anointed by the truth of God’s word, so that we can see Satan’s position. Apart from where Jesus said He saw Satan fall like lightning, Colossians 2:15 averred that Jesus disarmed principalities and powers. “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” (NKJV). The picture that the Bible painted of demons is that they are put to flight! Seeing anything other than this will turn us into victims rather than victors that Christ has made us.