Jeremiah expressed shock at God’s word on several occasions. He was shocked when God told him that he was ordained and chosen from when he was in his mother’s womb. He thought that his young age would be a barrier to divine purpose, but God disabused his mind from that. He also expressed shock when God prophetically declared that land would be bought in Judah after the 70-year captivity period. God had to challenge his unbelief by asking if anything was too hard for him to do.
“Jesus is the grand gift of God. If He could give Christ, there is not a thing on earth that will not be given in addition.”
Abraham and Sarah expressed similar shock when God promised them a son in their old age. Sarah laughed in unbelief, because her mind kicked against its possibility. Or, consider Moses whom God promised to supply meat for the whole congregation for an entire month. He wondered how that could be possible. In all these instances, the problem is the mind. It is often the case that whatever the mind cannot contain, it doubts. This is why the mind will have to keep undergoing renewal. Romans 8:32 is a good way to boost the mind – “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (NKJV). We marked Christmas yesterday, a celebration of God’s gift to mankind. Jesus is the grand gift of God. If He could give Christ, there is not a thing on earth that will not be given in addition.