Abraham enjoyed some fascinating descriptions in the Bible. He was referred to as a friend of God (Isaiah 41:8). He was also described as the father of faith (Galatians 3:6). Well, a man described as the father of faith would have one or two important lessons to communicate to us about faith. He was already an old man at 75 (his wife being 65 at the time) when God called him and promised to bless him. He was promised that through his seed, the whole world would be blessed. Meanwhile, he had no child at the time. The child would not come until 25 years later. During the intervening period, he kept his faith strong by giving glory to God.
“That you made it to the last day of the year is a proof that you have benefited from many graces of God. Thank Him for that.”
Gratitude has both ‘backward-forward’ linkage. It is ‘backward’ when we thank God for what He has already done for us. This could be answers to specific prayers made or a release of blessing out of His magnanimous heart. The forward linkage of thanksgiving is when it is offered upfront for what has not yet taken place. This is an exercise of faith. That was what Abraham did in his years of waiting. I believe there is no better way to end the year 2023 than to thank God profusely. Doing this will invoke this backward-forward linkage thrust of gratitude. That you made it to the last day of the year is a proof that you have benefited from many graces of God. Thank Him for that. You can also lift your eyes in faith to thank God in advance for 2024. This way, you will not only finish this year strong, but the next one will begin on a strong note as well.