The only way to enjoy divine backing and blessing is to follow divine procedures. Going through scriptures will make it clear that God gives attention to procedures. We have an example in our text. This is one of the several instructions that God rolled out for Israel whenever they were to execute any war. First, they were encouraged not to be afraid of their enemies, no matter how many they were for the singular reason that God was with them and fighting their battle. Then the officers would announce for anyone who had built a house and had not dedicated it to vacate the army. It was a magnanimous arrangement from God, so that the builder would not forfeit the pleasure of living in the house if he was killed in battle. Next on the list would be those who planted a vineyard and had not eaten of it. This group was also excused for the same reason as those who built houses. Finally, those who have betrothed wives but had not yet consummated it were equally excused. It was only when all these procedures have been observed that captains were appointed over the army.
“The only way to enjoy divine backing and blessing is to follow divine procedures…At a personal level, learning to set procedure will enhance order, peace, and progress.”
God is always detailed in His affairs and leaves nothing to chance. The Psalmist made a veiled reference to the fact that everything of God has procedure. “Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.” (Psalm 119:128). God has precepts for all things. When we search His word, we will uncover them. At a personal level, learning to set procedure will enhance order, peace, and progress.