Jesus’ discourse with the Samaritan woman by the well reveals a number of important things. His divinity was manifested when He read the woman’s checkered history to her. His love was revealed when, despite her past and her social background, He condescended to her. His mission was shown when He offered the living water to her thirsty soul. Of course, Jesus also introduced the emerging concept of New Testament worship. When the woman showed to Jesus where their fathers worshipped as opposed to the claims of the Jews that worship should be done in Jerusalem, He told her that from then on worship would not be restricted to a particular location. The reason for this is that God is Spirit and those who worship in spirit can connect with Him anywhere and at any time.
“A little pause and a little meditation, a little word of prayer every now and then will usher us into God’s manifest presence.”
Many believers in Christ and the Jews are caught in the same web as the Samaritan woman. They wait to connect with God only ‘’on this mountain’’ or ‘’in Jerusalem’’. They restrict the move of God to the time they gather in their designated ‘’house of God’’. Those who think this way will continually short-change themselves. An average believer probably spends about three hours on Sunday in the public place of worship. That is out of a total of 168 hours of the week. The implication of this is that if you wait till Sunday before you encounter the presence of God, you will be robbed of spiritual vitality needed to make you victorious all week long. Whether you sit at home or in your office, commuting or on the field, you must learn to practice the presence of God. A little pause and a little meditation, a little word of prayer every now and then will usher us into God’s manifest presence.