Apostle Peter stated in one of his epistles that believers are born again by the word of God which lives and abides forever. Another characteristic of the word, the agency of Nour new birth, is that it is boundless. To that extent, someone who is born again is as boundless as the word of God! Therefore, every barricade is artificial. The bane of many believers is how they think. The boundary or barricade is in their minds. Paul taught about resurrection and the people could not wrap their minds around it. He challenged their reasoning. Why would they think it is incredible that God raises the dead?
“When we align our thought with God’s thoughts and our ways with His ways, we enter a new realm of endless possibilities.”
Most missed opportunities and miracles are traceable to the smallness of the mind. The mind tends to play tricks on people constantly, and this phenomenon is not new. When God promised Moses that He was going to feed the people with meat for an entire month, he protested. His little mind could not imagine how that could ever work out for hundreds of thousands of people. The small mind problem is what out text considers. The young officer could not fathom how an acute shortage would be turned into superabundance within 24 hours. The disciples were not left out of this small mind syndrome. They could not imagine how Jesus would feed the multitude in the
wilderness. Every time we confine ourselves to our little minds, we suffer shortages. In Isaiah 55:8, God said, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.” (NKJV). When we align our thought with God’s thoughts and our ways with His ways, we enter a new realm of endless possibilities.