In the last meditation, we stressed the importance of maintaining focus. This is because a lack of focus will take us in different directions, sap our energies, and lead to fruitless efforts. A follow-up question is: how do we know what to focus on? The answer is simple – focus on what you have received. From the parable where we have our lead scripture for today, a landlord gave different gifts to his servants before he embarked on a journey. He mandated them to occupy with what they had received. Some translations say He commanded them to do business with what they received.
“Focusing on our gifts is a soft and constant reminder of the need to focus on Christ’s return.”
All of us must engage those spiritual gifts and the natural talents that God has given to us. Everyone is endowed differently according to the will of the Spirit. These endowments are not for decoration but for the propagation of Kingdom purposes. We must use our time for the Lord. Though our giftings may differ, we have the same amount of time every day. We should use our time for the services of God. Finally, the financial and material resources that God has given each of us must also be occupied for God. When Jesus returns, those washed by His Blood will not be in danger of hell fire. But there will be judgment for the reward of our lifetime service. The reward will reflect how well we occupied ourselves for Him. Focusing on our gifts is a soft and constant reminder of the need to focus on Christ’s return.