Of the 34 verses in Matthew chapter 6, Jesus used 10 verses to deal with the root
cause of man’s major anxiety – survival. Survival and sustenance are at the core of all of
man’s drive. This is summed up in Ecclesiastes 6:7 thus: “All people spend their lives
scratching for food, but they never seem to have enough” (NLT). Survival and
sustenance are also the most aggravating factors in broken focus. So, it was auspicious
when Jesus hit at this in His teaching. He warned people not to be anxious about food
or clothing because there were weightier matters than these. Anxiety solves no
problem, it only compounds issues.
Rather than worry about what to eat and drink, Jesus would want people to concern
themselves with the business of the Kingdom and how they will excel in the
righteousness that comes through faith. Doing this would guarantee all supplies. This is
what I like to call The Jesus Challenge.
“When we maintain focus on the things of the Kingdom, God will give us those things that pertain to life.”
The disciples once took this challenge. They embarked on a missionary journey without a dime in their pockets or a change of raiment in their carry-on bags. But they had life to the tilt. ‘And He said to them, “When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?” So they said, “Nothing”’ (Luke 22:35, NKJV). When you are on God’s mission, He will give you your due commission. As long as we do His bidding and abide where He would have us be at every point, we will not lack. The Gentiles are known for their fretting for things; but children of the Kingdom must be of a different constitution. When we maintain focus on the things of the Kingdom, God will give us those things that pertain to life.