What we know today as the Foursquare Gospel Church is traceable to the tireless labours of a woman, Aimee Semple McPherson. In 1913 at a young age of 23, she was hospitalized for appendix. Her condition deteriorated so much so that a nurse moved her from the general ward to a room where the dying patients were kept, having concluded, ‘’She is going’’. At the same time, the grace of God was made manifest to her. Prior to this time, she had felt that her spiritual life was not up to par and that God wanted more from her. It was in that state that she seemed to hear the voice of the Spirit asking if she was ready to work for the Lord. She surrendered her will, and instantly her pain was gone and her strength began to return.
“God’s work is not gender sensitive…Secondly, there is no limit to how much we can accomplish if we can rise above personal struggles and tragedies.”
The story of McPherson put paid to several things. Firstly, God is not a respecter of gender. The Spirit of God that worked mightily in men is the same one that can work in women. God’s work is not gender sensitive. If God could use an ass to preach to Balaam and employ the ant to teach timeless lessons on wisdom, it should not be difficult to accept that God does use women. Secondly, there is no limit to how much we can accomplish if we can rise above personal struggles and tragedies. McPherson’s first marriage to Robert Semple lasted only two years as the man died. She was later married to a businessman by name Harold McPherson. They later quietly divorced. Despite her struggle with ill health and marriage, she went on to be a mighty instrument in the hands of God. Like Paul, there may be things that we have to forget in order to reach out for the great prize that is set before us in Christ.