In the US, July 4 each year is celebrated as Independence Day. On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress passed the Declaration of Independence to mark its freedom from Britain and herald the birth of a new nation. Since that time, every July 4 has been a public holiday marked with fireworks, parades, and everything else that goes with festivity. An average American would readily take pride in their political heritage. Not only have the citizens enjoyed uninterrupted liberty, but they have also become exporters and defenders of democratic ideals all over the world.
“No amount of political freedom can translate to freedom from sin and demonic control. Only in Christ can we get freedom indeed!…If you have embraced Jesus, no force on earth or in hell can dislodge you from your rights.”
As important as any political inheritance could be, it does not come close to the inheritance that believers have in God through Christ. We know that sooner than later, political liberty will get corrupted due to internal and external forces. For instance, political liberty in America today is far less pure than the one bequeathed in the beginning. Moreover, even when political liberty is still upheld, people are often saddled with a worse form of bondage, particularly in a spiritual sense. No amount of political freedom can translate to freedom from sin and demonic control. Only in Christ can we get freedom indeed! “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36 NKJV). Writing about our inheritance, Peter says it is “incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you” (I Peter 1:4 NKJV). The death and resurrection of Jesus is what makes this inheritance possible. If you have embraced Jesus, no force on earth or in hell can dislodge you from your rights.