In our previous mediation, we itemised two non-negotiable things that must be in place for those who want to draw near to God. They are: getting rid of sin and a double heart. Sin will put God off any day. Being double-minded makes you unstable, and such an attitude will equally throw a spanner in the works. There is another thing implied in our text that will impede your progress in, and towards God and that is a proud heart. The absence of a humble heart will stop you short. Just as God cannot put up with a double heart, He cannot entertain a proud heart either. So, James admonishes that you “humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord”. It is evident from scriptures that God will not look away from a broken (humble) and contrite heart.
“There is an add-on for drawing close to God with a humble heart. It comes with a promotion. Righteousness, which invariably encompasses humility, is what exalts a nation or any individual.”
Ahab had a reputation for being one of the most wicked kings in Israel. This drew judgment upon him at some point. On hearing the pronouncement, he fasted and went softly. God relented! “And the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying, “See how Ahab has humbled himself before Me? Because he has humbled himself before Me, I will not bring the calamity in his days. In the days of his son I will bring the calamity on his house.”” (I Kings 21:28-29 NKJV). There is an add-on for drawing close to God with a humble heart. It comes with a promotion. Righteousness, which invariably encompasses humility, is what exalts a nation or any individual. Walking in humility is getting on a fast track to the higher place.