In recent months, we have had cause to use an Arab proverb. To refresh your memory, here is it again. “He that knows not and knows not that he knows not; He is a fool – shun him! He that knows not and knows that he knows not; he is simple – teach him! He that knows and knows not that he knows; he is asleep – wake him! He that knows and knows that he knows; he is a wise man – follow him!” I recalled this proverb because of a car sticker that I came across. At the rear of an SUV is this bold sticker with an unmistaken message: FOLLOW ME…I AM BEHIND THE POPE. No one needs an interpreter to know that the owner of this vehicle is a catholic, and a very proud one for that matter. With due regard to all Catholic faithful, what came up to my mind when I read the message is that I need to know who the Pope is following before I follow who is behind him.
“But he who knows that where he is going is good, and invites others to come along operates in love and should be commended. Every Christian ought to be able to say to the world, FOLLOW ME… I AM BEHIND CHRIST.”
Apostle Paul once invited people to follow him; and his ground for doing so was that he was following Christ. If you follow Christ or those who follow him closely, you are safe. But the issue here even stretches further than that of being behind the Pope. Generally speaking, it is not only foolish but dangerous to follow someone without being certain of their destination. There are other strands of lesson worthy of note. He who does not know where he is going is blind. One who does not know where he is going and invites others to follow him is deceptive, if not outright wicked. He who knows that where he is going is good but informs no other person is selfish. But he who knows that where he is going is good, and invites others to come along operates in love and should be commended. Every Christian ought to be able to say to the world, FOLLOW ME… I AM BEHIND CHRIST.