Beginning with Abel, offering or sacrifice has always been the principal way of relating with God. In the time of Abel, the offering was rather simple; nothing more than presenting something representative of one’s harvest. Under Moses, the sacrificial process had quite escalated and rigorous. Sacrifices were commanded twice daily, weekly, monthly and on other special occasions. It is on record that not all offerings received divine approval. That of Cain was refused as were those of the sons of Aaron and Korah’s company.
The supreme sacrifice of Jesus was a game changer. Though we are still expected to offer sacrifice, it is of a different kind. Hebrews 13:15 says, “By Him (Christ), therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.” Praise is the sacrifice that God will consider from us. What must never escape us is that just as He turned down some sacrifices of old, He can do the same with our praise. What gives credence to praise is not the particular song, the sonorous voice employed or the musical accompaniments. Essentially, praise must well up from the heart. Several times we hear people claim that they enjoyed a particular praise session. Primarily, praise is not designed for our enjoyment but God’s. Genuine praise is meant for Him. To give God an acceptable sacrifice of praise, you must pay close attention to our text. Praise God with understanding. Understand His person, power, purpose, and purity. It is based on each of these manifestations of God in your life that you give Him acceptable praise.