Our text demonstrates how things can quickly unravel from victory to humiliating defeat. It was a sweet victory when they marched against Jericho. What we know of that first campaign was that each step they took was a response to God’s marching order, even when it did not appeal to the human senses. They marched around the massive wall once every day for six days – mummed! It was on the seventh day that they marched around seven times and gave a loud shout at the last lap. Stupid as all that might seem, they won the battle.
Not giving attention to prayer is in itself evidence of claiming to do things by ourselves, and this will lead to disaster somewhere along the line.
The next campaign was at Ai, a small city indeed. Those sent to conduct espionage returned and gave their recommendations. All the men of war should not be deployed because of the small size of the opposition. This was followed by Joshua and the rest of the leaders, but it was to their shame. They beat a path of retreat as the men of Ai slew some of their men. In our previous meditation, we learned of not deploying the do-it-yourself approach in our dealings. This is what played out in this story. Israel approached Jericho by God’s help and won. When they faced Ai, they seemed to have opted for the do-it-yourself approach and suffered casualties. A proof of their do-it-yourself stand was that they never acknowledged God before they launched out. The Bible teaches that in all our ways we should acknowledge God, and He will direct our steps. Not giving attention to prayer is in itself evidence of claiming to do things by ourselves, and this will lead to disaster somewhere along the line.