We moved into our first property for worship at Awalama, Rumuokoro, Port Harcourt on April 30, 2000. While preparing the place, we had some brushes with a neighbour who started a massive construction of several floors. Rumour had it that he was trying to build a five-star hotel. The root of the crisis was the access road which we shared that was brought into a state of disrepair constantly. The big trucks supplying his site with iron rods and other building materials messed up the road, no matter how often we tried to fix it. That continued for about six months to one year. Suddenly, all activities stopped. Up to this moment, some 23 years later there has been no improvement made to the site; it remains a carcass.
Failure to plan will make us and our endeavours a reference point for the wrong reasons…Think through intended actions and projects in the light of your available resources – spiritual, mental, physical, and material.
In our text, Jesus asked His disciples a rhetorical question. He wondered who would want to build a tower without first sitting down to count the cost and determine if he had what is required to finish it. What this implies is planning. Whereas Jesus warned against fear and anxiety that paralyze initiatives, He nonetheless encouraged people to do thorough planning of their affairs. Failure to plan will make us and our endeavours a reference point for the wrong reasons. If you have not done so, this early period of the year is when some sitting down is necessary. Think through intended actions and projects in the light of your available resources – spiritual, mental, physical, and material. Pray on each move and ensure that God’s got your back for every move.