Like most Nigerians, I hold multiple mobile lines to ensure that problem with one network does not render me incommunicado. One of the telecom companies has the habit of reminding me if I fail to make use of the line for one week at a stretch. They even slam me with a warning that if I don’t use the line for a specified period, it would be blocked. Simply, the telecom companies want us to talk more because that is where their profit lies. That may make sense in the commercial parlance, but for spiritual wholeness, talking less is what the Bible advocates.
Since we cannot do without talking altogether, each one of us must study to talk less, speaking only when necessary and that reflectively.
James wrote quite extensively on the subject of the tongue. In chapter 3 of his book, he argues that all kinds of beasts, birds, reptiles, and sea creatures have been successfully tamed by man. That is a testimony to the dominion mandate which God gave to man in the beginning. Ironically, man has not been able to tame a little member of his body – the tongue. Ability to tame the tongue is equated to perfection. The Book of Proverbs compares a man who cannot tame his tongue to a city without walls. That is a city that is vulnerable to attacks. No wonder it also says that those who keep their mouth keep their lives. Since we cannot do without talking altogether, each one of us must study to talk less, speaking only when necessary and that reflectively. Those who fail to be circumspect in the use of their tongues will inadvertently dig their own grave with it.