Anyone applying for job as a nanny probably has one thing at the back of her mind – basic provisions for survival. It is unlikely that fame will be a consideration for such applicant. One nanny, Rosie, defied the odds and became an instant internet sensation. Rosie, a Kenyan, worked as a nanny for a Lebanese family. She served them for two years and developed such a strong bond with the children. On the day she was to travel back to Kenya, the children were inconsolable. They did not want her to go. They seemed to have bonded with her more than their parents. The man of the house pleaded for Rosie to come back, submitting that they would not be able to survive without her. Both parties sobbed freely. Rosie has since become an instant celebrity. Media houses are fielding her in interviews. Tour companies are offering to give her and her children all expense paid vacation.
When you do whatever you find faithfully and God’s blessing comes on it, that becomes a stepping stone to a higher height.
An average person is always wishing to be employed in what is generally termed “lucrative jobs”. Most people want to work in the oil industry or banking sector. The belief is that working in such environments will guarantee success. God’s word paints a different picture. Whether it is a white collar job or blue collar, the recommendation remains the same – do it with all your might. Rosie did not just do her nanny job with all her might, she put all her heart into it as well. She is now being hailed all over the world. When you do whatever you find faithfully and God’s blessing comes on it, that becomes a stepping stone to a higher height.