In his writing, Paul demonstrates the inseparable link between the root of a tree and its branches. He argues that if the root is holy so are the branches. Arguably, Jesus is our Root as believers. Before His birth, the angel announced that He would be great. To that extent, greatness is part of the design for those who believe in Him. In addition, greatness was a part of God’s covenant with Abraham, whose seed we are by faith. Expectedly, that covenant extends to us. It must be made clear that a principal way by which that covenant is translated to reality is by solving problems. Taking joy in solving problems for people is climbing the ladder to greatness.
Taking joy in solving problems for people is climbing the ladder to greatness…As long as we keep solving problems or adding value, we will stand before kings and never lose our relevance.
David illustrated this point very well. He was first introduced to Saul’s presence when the king suffered from demonic attack. His lieutenants recommended that a skillful musician be fetched who would minister to the king whenever he was troubled. That was how David came to the king. So relieved was the king through the skill of David that he would not let him go home to his father again. When David again stood before Saul, it was because he had solved a problem. This time it was not a personal problem that was solved; it was a national embarrassment that was taken away by David. He offered to square things up with Goliath who had been a thorn in the flesh of the nation of Israel. By the time David returned with the head and the sword of the champion, another chapter had been opened in the history of his life. As long as we keep solving problems or adding value, we will stand before kings and never lose our relevance.