While my wife was still in London helping our daughter with her newborn, she came across a study which she forwarded to me. The study shows that regular church attendance can reduce mortality to between 20 to 30 percent. Those who go to church regularly are more optimistic, and have greater purpose in life. Other benefits for those with regular church attendance are self-control, they are less likely to divorce, and lower rate of depression. The study concludes that you cannot get these benefits by going to a country club or some type of community centre. The narrators ended by saying that “the church really does help us”.
There is no frivolous injunction in God’s word. God will never command a thing that is not beneficial to us. We are enjoined to regularly gather together with other brethren, and that is for our good.
When I watched the clip, my first impression is that the church and her workers receive fewer credits than they deserve. An average person sees the church and her workers as people who prey on hard-earned money of the congregants. Society tends to see the church as a nuisance and of no economic or social benefits. This study has put paid to such belief. Furthermore, the veracity of our text comes to a brighter light. There is no frivolous injunction in God’s word. God will never command a thing that is not beneficial to us. We are enjoined to regularly gather together with other brethren, and that is for our good. Make room to attend church, and show more love and respect for those whose calling is to the altar.