The multiplicity of religion across the world is a pointer to a deep seated belief in the hearts of men that there is a Supreme Being. Religion calls Him by different names and holds divergent views, and human beings tried to reach Him. In Genesis 11, we read of the attempt made to build a tower. At that time, human beings all had one language and were united at one purpose. The plan was to build a tower to reach the heaven. This could be taken as man’s effort to reach God. That is what religion always do. Babel represents the religious system of whatever bent. Religion seeks to reach God on man’s terms, but it never works. The Babel project failed miserably, as they were all soon confounded and scattered. The Bible has already concluded that the best of righteousness that man can produce will be nothing more than a filthy rag before God.
The ladder was supernatural, because no ingenuity of man could produce that feat…If ever we are to reach God, it will be by the means established divinely. Metaphorically speaking, Jesus is the ladder that heaven sent.
A different picture is painted of Bethel. The ladder in Jacob’s vision had its base on the earth and the top of it reached the heaven. Angels were seen ascending and descending on it. The ladder was supernatural, because no ingenuity of man could produce that feat. The thing to go with is this: If ever we are to reach God, it will be by the means established divinely. Metaphorically speaking, Jesus is the ladder that heaven sent. He is the only ladder we can climb to get to God. When we put our trust in Him, we begin a climb of faith to the heart of the Father.