If you are looking for what made David such an outstanding man, they are all in this verse of scripture. The first thing that came up for mention was his skill. He had great skill both in composing songs and in playing of instruments. Next, you have his courage on parade. Without this he would never have been able to slay the lions and bears, much less confront Goliath. This verse also indicates that David was prudent in speech. He always had the right word for the right occasion. Another way to look at that is to see him as a wise man. Of course, he had a good carriage as he was described as a handsome person.
Anyone who desires great height must learn to court and cultivate the presence of the Lord…It is fruitless to expect divine presence while doing things contrary to His will.
There is something like a glue that held all these together, and that was God’s presence in his endeavours. No doubt, he posted an incredible profile; but they would be inconclusive and inconsequential had God not been on his side. God’s presence helped to advance his course to destiny. Anyone who desires great height must learn to court and cultivate the presence of the Lord. Jesus did not mince words about this when He said, “without me ye can do nothing”. This is where pleasing the Lord comes in. It is fruitless to expect divine presence while doing things contrary to His will.