Today, we are examining the fifth condition for obtaining the Lord’s blessing. From our text, those who consider the poor will be blessed. What does it mean to consider the poor? It is to show them kindness. In the Old Testament, three categories of people were repeatedly mentioned as needing special care. These were the widows, the fatherless, and the strangers. These groups were also those who generally comprised of the poor. The society was structured as a welfare state to cater for these people. As a matter of fact, part of the tithes which God commanded the people to give was meant to cater for them.
Anyone who wants blessing from God must take more than just a passing interest in the poor people around them.
God is no less interested in the welfare of the poor today than He was in the Old Testament. The early days of the Church saw the Apostles making great effort to distribute to the necessities of the Saints. Anyone who wants blessing from God must take more than just a passing interest in the poor people around them. The Bible shows us several attendant blessings for anyone who cares for the poor. According to Psalm 41, part of the blessings includes healing and deliverance from the wishes of the enemy. Elsewhere, God considers what is given to the poor as a personal loan to Him! Of course, He promised to pay back. Imagine what interests that will come to you from what is lent to God!