Before my family moved to our current address, we had lived in six other locations. At one particular location, we stayed three years. It was not the best of places, as it left little space for parking and none for outdoor recreation. But we were willing to stay on anyway, hoping to transition from there to a permanent place God would provide. However, at the end of the third year the caretaker would not extend our tenancy. He claimed the son of the landlord was coming back to the country, and would be occupying the property. Door shut, end of story. We moved to another place which was ten times better than that property. Later, we were grateful that we moved as the former place was no longer a thoroughfare.
Unless that I have believed that God is in charge of all of my life’s details, I could have been bitter and fighting rejection. When next you encounter a closed door, enquire who is behind it.
More doors are closed for believers for their advantage than they can possibly imagine. In our ignorance, we soon resort to binding and losing, thinking the devil is at it again. Our text says that Jesus is the one with the key of David. Note that the key has dual functions – it opens and shuts. It is not only the devil that shuts doors, our Lord also does. Here is the difference: the devil shuts doors of opportunities and never opens any other; but the Lord shuts one door to shield us from evil and opens a better one. Unless that I have believed that God is in charge of all of my life’s details, I could have been bitter and fighting rejection. When next you encounter a closed door, enquire who is behind it.