Lasting leaders are those who know the beauty of prioritizing the welfare of the people they lead. Joshua definitely fit into this category of leaders. He fought many battles – thirty-one in all. The focus was to make the people possess the land promised them by God. Despite these many exploits, there had not been a single parcel of land to Joshua’s name till that point in time. His primary concern was to divide the land to the children of Israel and assist them in exercising presence in their respective allocations. It was after Joshua had helped the children of Israel to appropriate their inheritance that they turned round to give him an inheritance among them.
Lasting leaders are those who know the beauty of prioritizing the welfare of the people they lead…those who are mindful of the welfare of others put themselves up on the path to leadership.
Clearly, Joshua did not abuse his leadership position and use it for self aggrandizement. Leadership was to him a calling, and not a means to amass wealth at the expense of the people. This is a pattern for good leadership. Generally, wherever you view it from, there is always something refreshingly different in the system of the kingdom compared to the way of the world. Most of our leaders, for example, see political offices as the cheapest and fastest means to wealth and fame. This is the reason our elections are often fraught with so much violence as people play do-or-die politics. We need more leaders in the mold of Joshua; those who will not mind to sacrifice everything for the sake of the people they are called to lead. On a general note, those who are mindful of the welfare of others put themselves up on the path to leadership.