The operations of God are so dynamic that they often surpass human computation. When God wants to carry out His mission in a family or an organisation, He typically looks for an access. This entry point is anyone who is attuned to the move of the Spirit. God works with people who are open and accessible. When He finds such people, the issue of gender is set aside. Age does not even count when God is looking for access. We have known of families where it is one or two of the children that understand and yearns for God. They simply become the priests of their families as God honours them and confirms their word. God does this to prove that He is not a respecter of persons. Anyone who meets His conditions is accepted by Him.
God works with people who are open and accessible…God is not a respecter of persons or gender. Those who are available are His picks.
This brings us to our text. Manoah’s wife suffered temporary barrenness. An Angel was sent to communicate the mind of God to the family. One would expect that such message should come firsthand to Manoah, being the husband and head of the union. That was not to be as the Angel went straight to the woman to give her the good news which she eventually relayed to her husband. The man, now growing inquisitive, prayed that God might send the messenger back. God obliged him; but again the Angel appeared to the woman while she was in the field. God is not a respecter of persons or gender. Those who are available are His picks.