I remember visiting a place and needed to use the bathroom. The bathroom was quite impressive. The wall was overlaid with glossy white tiles. But whatever you have going for this washroom was countered by a couple of cracks on the surfaces of the wall. I am not a builder; but I have heard professionals explain that when faults develop on the surface it is a pointer to some cracks within the wall. Sometimes the cracks may even be traced to faulty foundations, in which case the whole building stands at the precipice.
Sometimes in life, we seem to wear “cracks” on our face because of the multitudes of problems we face…It is when the spirit is broken that we are in real danger.
Sometimes in life, we seem to wear “cracks” on our face because of the multitudes of problems we face. It could be some inexplicable tension in our marriage. Maybe one of the children is becoming unmanageable. The relationship with the boss at the workplace leaves so much to be desired. The list is endless. As bad as these conditions may appear, they can be separated from the state of the heart. As long as the cracks are not a reflection of the inner conditions, we can easily overcome. It is when the spirit is broken that we are in real danger. Apostle Paul and some of his close associates endured a great trial of afflictions for their faith and work in the gospel. Despite this, they never allowed that to have a negative effect on their spirit man. Learn to commit every negative external condition to the Lord, and draw from His inexhaustible grace.