The death and resurrection of Jesus brought so much blessing for us. Apart from forgiveness of our sins, we also have access to the Father both now and for all eternity. The atoning work of Christ is the crowning hope of every believer. Moreover, Jesus’ work provided victory over death. The Book of Hebrews puts this well – “Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil.” Hebrews 2:14 NKJV. Satan used death to terrorise humanity before Jesus came. However, Satan has now lost his hold on this instrument of torture – death.
The atoning work of Christ is the crowning hope of every believer. Moreover, Jesus’ work provided victory over death.
Apostle Paul was versed in this secret. He was not in doubt of the eternal state of his soul after his earthly sojourn. If he lived, he would use his time to serve the cause of his Saviour and bring many to the way of salvation. And if he died, it would be gain, for then would he have been liberated from the limitation that the flesh imposed. Whichever was the case, he found himself in a win-win situation. That was why he could be joyful in whatever state he found himself. It is inspiring to know that this is not a peculiar advantage for Paul. All of God’s children are in win-win situation, no matter what happens. This is the right belief that should fuel our joy. While we have our being, we should employ every opportunity to spread the cause of Christ. When the curtain is drawn on our activities, there will be no occasion for regret.