Within 48-hour period, I got messages from three different sources informing me of the need to vend for electricity or refill gas for cooking. I smiled at myself considering the responsibilities that press on me daily. I have since made an unsubstantiated submission that life is 10% fun and 90% responsibility. Unless we are able to make fun out of these responsibilities, life would be a great burden. For all the calls, I had to do something immediately; otherwise those service providers would cut us off. Now, it would seem that most believers are more faithful to their service providers than to God. They pay as at when due; otherwise they cease to enjoy services.
life is 10% fun and 90% responsibility. Unless we are able to make fun out of these responsibilities, life would be a great burden.
Let us imagine for a moment if God were to put us on pre-paid package! I mean if you have to pay certain sum before you can breathe, smell, see, or hear! And imagine if once your bundle expires He cuts you off from enjoying these services. Everybody will know the meaning of faithfulness and promptness first hand. But God does not operate that way; so that what you do for Him or for His sake is not born out of compulsion but of freewill, flowing from a heart of love. Daily, you enjoy His benefits. “Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! Selah” Psalms 68:19 NKJV. Learn how to give Him glory, because it is due to Him. Your offerings should come regularly, not as in paying for His favours, but as expression of gratitude. In addition your daily life should sing His praise. Those who fail to thank Him take too much for granted, and that is a sin.