A few months into the start of Firstlove Assembly (then known as Revival People’s Church), I had a night vision. A man of God invited me to be anointed, citing a future date. Another man of God injected, saying it was not going to be a future date but right there and then. Then he began to prophesy on me: “You shall take heed to walk in your anointing; for those who have not walked in their anointing have made a shipwreck of their faith.” As he prophesied, I saw something like a whirlwind uprooting trees and clearing the debris. What does it mean for someone to walk in his or her anointing? It is to walk in the call or assignment of God upon one’s life. This is different from walking in the Spirit, though there is a merger somewhere along the path. Knowing what your anointing is will require that you check those things that occupy your dream at night and constitute your waking thoughts in the morning.
Knowing what your anointing is will require that you check those things that occupy your dream at night and constitute your waking thoughts in the morning.
Your anointing could be found in those areas where, after you have suffered what looks like a defeat or humiliation, you still want to return to doing them all over again! The story of Moses will drive the point home. When he was in Egypt, he saw an Israelite being assaulted by an Egyptian. He rose to defend and deliver his kinsman, killing the Egyptian in the process. Because of this the king sought to kill him; so, he had to flee to exile. Guess the first thing he did on arrival. He saw the daughters of the Priest of Midian by the well and helped them. “And they said, “An Egyptian delivered us from the hand of the shepherds, and he also drew enough water for us and watered the flock.”” Exodus 2:19 NKJV. Certainly, Moses carried the anointing of a deliverer that just won’t let off. That anointing soon gave him food, accommodation, and a woman to marry. Literally, everything is in one’s anointing.