King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, the content of which he could not remember. He summoned all the wise men and magicians in his vast domain to remind him of it and give the interpretation. All of them tested the strange demand of the king for size to no avail. Then Daniel took the gauntlet. He asked the king to give him some time. In the interval, he contacted his colleagues with whom together they sought the Lord in prayer. God did not only replay the dream to Daniel but gave him the interpretation as well. Our text was part of Daniel’s worship to the Almighty God. Daniel teaches us that when prayers are answered, due glory must be given to God.
If we are not enjoying divine secrets as much, it must be that we are not asking enough.
Access to that one secret fetched a long list of benefits. The magicians who would have been executed for not having a clue were spared. That also meant many women and children who would have been widowed and orphaned respectively had a new lease of life. On the part of Daniel and his friends, it marked the beginning of their lifting in Babylon. There is no telling how far one secret that is revealed can take you. The good news is that God delights to reveal secrets to people, particularly His children. “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” Deuteronomy 29:29 NKJV. If we are not enjoying divine secrets as much, it must be that we are not asking enough.