The first laptop I bought was from LG stable. It served quite well until it became rather too slow for my liking. But I had a lot of stuff in there ranging from my Libronyx library to back editions of Bread and Wine Devotionals. I knew that one day I would have cause to refer to it, so I refused to dispose it. Several months passed before I made move to check the system; but by the time I did the power would not come on. Months of idleness had taken its toll and it is now in a state of disrepair. This brings out the wisdom in our passage of scripture for today. Fold the hands, lose the house!
Fold the hands, lose the house!…It is the law of nature, that whatever is left untended will decay.
We can make more sense from this portion of the Bible by considering it from another translation. “Through indolence the rafters [of state affairs] decay and the roof sinks in, and through idleness of the hands the house leaks.” The additional sense in this is that the verse is not just talking of physical building. The same fate will befall institutions and relationships that is left untended. An area that one can cite readily here is marital relationships. Not a few of God’s children believe that all they need to have a successful home is to make a right choice. But that is just half the distance. The remaining half comes as you keep all hand on deck. Success in marriage requires that you begin again every morning. You can’t leave it for several months untended, like my laptop, and not see joy flee through the window. It is the law of nature, that whatever is left untended will decay.