The late Gospel singer David Ingles wrote a song titled – WRITE YOUR TICKET WITH GOD. He weaved the lyrics of the song around the story of the woman with the issued of blood. The woman who had suffered for 12 years without reprieve in the hand of many physicians later heard about Jesus’ exploits. She said in her heart that if she could touch the helm of His garment, she would be made whole. She added action to her word, pressed through the crowd, and touched Jesus. She got her healing instantly. David Ingles said that woman wrote her ticket with God, and went on to counsel that you also can write your ticket with God in the same manner – SAY IT! DO IT! TELL JESUS!
Everything a man does is first spoken before it takes effect…The power to do is contained in the saying. Words are energy – ability to do work!
This issue of the power of our words can never be overemphasized. Talking negatively has been established as one of the little foxes that has spoiled the beautiful vine of millions over the centuries. Everything a man does is first spoken before it takes effect. Never mind whether it is said silently or openly. Why is this so? The power to do is contained in the saying. Words are energy – ability to do work! When you speak, you release some form of energy which, when converted, makes you do what you intend doing. When you want something done, keep saying it until you find power released to make you do it. The will for performance begins from affirmative declaration. No one can rise beyond the level of their words.