The first recorded judgment given by Solomon was the case of two women who disputed over the living and the dead children. As each contested that the living was hers and the dead for the other woman, Solomon asked that the living child be sawn into two as well as the dead child. Both women were to receive half of each. The mother of the living child, drawn by maternal love, would not want to see her child killed. She offered to let the other woman have him, being assured that when the child matures he would identify his true mother. Solomon perceived this woman to be the true mother, as no sane mother would watch her child killed. The judgment was hailed by all Israelis as they realised that God’s wisdom was in him.
God’s word gives perception…When God’s word enters us, it gives birth to understanding and wisdom.
Now, what is often lost on casual readers is that what Solomon did here was a derivative of scriptural guidelines found in Exodus 21:35 – “If one man’s ox hurts another’s, so that it dies, then they shall sell the live ox and divide the money from it; and the dead ox they shall also divide.” (NKJV). The perception or wisdom which Solomon applied on that occasion was from the book of God. God’s word gives perception. Writing about the scriptures, Paul said it can make one wise unto salvation. (2 Timothy 3:15). The Psalmist also traced his wisdom and understanding to the word of God. “I have more understanding than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation.” Psalms 119:99 NKJV. When God’s word enters us, it gives birth to understanding and wisdom.