In our previous meditation, we established that God works in phases. This has implications both individually and corporately as Kingdom citizens. Because God segments His work in our lives, it may not make immediate sense. It requires staying the whole length to appreciate divine wisdom. Peter recoiled at the sight of Jesus wanting to wash his feet. His response is apt for all of us when we don’t make immediate sense of what is going on. “Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” (John 13:7 NKJV). With patience, we understand the works of God.
It doesn’t matter whether we lay the foundation or build on an existing one; what matters is faithfulness.
On a corporate level, kingdom actors need to know that nobody can do it all. Think again about the three phases of the return of the Jews to Judah. Zerubabbel began it all. But how fruitful would his work have been without the consolidation and reforms carried out by Ezra and Nehemiah? Neither could Ezra and Nehemiah praise their work beyond proportion, for without the foundation laid by Zerubabbel they would have had nothing to build on. It is in this light that we understand our text. Some may be called to lay the foundation, but it will require others to build on the foundation and bring it to completion. It doesn’t matter whether we lay the foundation or build on an existing one; what matters is faithfulness.