It took a while before Gideon warmed himself to the message from the angel. He was threshing corn at a winepress, hiding for fear. That was the spot the angel gave him a hard-to-believe message – “And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!” Judges 6:12 NKJV. After bemoaning the smallness of his tribe and the poverty of his own family, the angel overruled by asking him to go “in this thy might”. However, the moment he overcame all doubts, he plunged himself into service without looking back. His story is reminiscent of Moses. When God sent him to Egypt to deliver His people, he had a lot of excuses. God knocked down all his objections one by one. He ended up becoming one of the most revered leaders of Israel.
it is impossible to hurry to exploits and significance. Also, no great thing can be achieved without taking some risks. However, when God is in it, it is a safe risk.
On his part, Gideon took several risks to deliver Israel from the hands of their enemies. He first took down the altar of the gods of his father’s house. That generated turmoil as the people called for his head. He later led an army of 300 men to face the Midianites. He was so much outnumbered that one could easily call his campaign a suicide mission. However, he proved that a few with God will enjoy victory. Our text reiterates Gideon’s sacrifices and exploits. The lesson for today is that it is impossible to hurry to exploits and significance. Also, no great thing can be achieved without taking some risks. However, when God is in it, it is a safe risk.
1 thought on “ADVENTURE WITH GOD”
Reflecting on the stories of Gideon and Moses, I’m reminded that faith is not about playing it safe, but about taking bold steps into the unknown. It’s about trusting that God’s plan is bigger and better than ours.
I’m challenged to ask myself: What risks am I willing to take for God? What comforts am I willing to surrender for the sake of His kingdom?
The promise is clear: when God is in it, it’s a safe risk. He will guide, empower, and sustain us every step of the way.
Holy Spirit, take me on an adventure with You! Lead me to places I’ve never been, to people I’ve never met, and to experiences that will stretch my faith and deepen my trust in You.