A long time ago, I read that a notice was placed on a glass door to elicit carefulness from users. The statement simply read, “Mind the Glass”. Unfortunately, people ran into it and broke it several times. The sign was later removed, and ironically no one broke the door after that. A characteristic of the fallen nature is loving what is forbidden. Put an empty box with a lid at the corner of the house and inscribe on it, DO NOT OPEN. That is all you need to generate the curiosity of your children. You can be sure that one of them will pry it open someday. God commanded Adam not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil in the garden. The tempter came to Eve and made it desirable until she fell for it. She, in turn, made her husband to partake of it. The consequence of this was nakedness, shame, and ejection from the garden. It was their introduction to stress and struggle which they passed down to the human race.
If anything is contesting with your first love for God, this is the time to make adjustments and return to Him.
Solomon fell for this tendency. God forbade His people to marry from heathen nations. He violated that. More specifically, kings were forbidden from multiplying wives to themselves. He violated that as well. These violations took their toll on his walk with God. He lost his first love for God. There are no empty commands from God. Whatever He says is for our welfare. Those who think otherwise often find out too late. If anything is contesting with your first love for God, this is the time to make adjustments and return to Him.
1 thought on “FIRST LOVE”
A timely reminder to examine our priorities and ensure that our love for God remains paramount.
First love is the love that fuels our desire to seek, obey, and please God above all else.
May we be willing to make adjustments and surrender anything that competes with our first love for God