The previous meditation highlighted the tragic end of some men, especially Judas. Judas’ undoing was the inordinate desire for money. The Bible warns that those who lust for money will pierce themselves with many sorrows. The love of money is still the root of all evil. On a broader note, every unguarded ambition can cause similar damage. In life, one should know what to pursue, when to do it, and when to stop. Failure to factor these into our pursuits can be disastrous as the case of Asahel demonstrates.
Some tragedies can be avoided if we are discrete. Discretion, indeed, is the better part of valour. A valiant man without discretion may cut short his life.
Courage gives the impetus to push or pursue, but wisdom determines when to stop. Asahel failed to recognize this truth and paid for it with his life. Here is the background story. When hostility broke out between the remnants of Saul’s army and the men of David, Asahel, the brother of Joab, pursued Abner who was captain of Saul’s army. It is not clear why he made Abner his target. Would killing him have meant more medals for Asahel? Anyway, Abner warned him to back off. Abner appealed to the sentiment existing between him and Joab. It was after all entreaties failed that Abner struck and killed Asahel. Some tragedies can be avoided if we are discrete. Discretion, indeed, is the better part of valour. A valiant man without discretion may cut short his life.
2 thoughts on “VALOUR AND DISCRETION ”
Lord help me give me discretion in all matters
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