Until we learn to derive our worth from God, we will remain unsettled in our mind. The reason is that the value system of the world is inconsistent with that of God. When the establishment moved against Jesus, they found a willing tool in one of His disciples. They struck a deal; and they offered Judas thirty pieces of silver to do the dirty job. The Bible stressed that’s how much they felt Jesus was worth! Now, consider this against the backdrop that all things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made. Consider that all things were not only made by Him, but they are equally for Him. So, the entire material world cannot even define His worth; but they valued Him only for thirty pieces of silver.
Until we learn to derive our worth from God, we will remain unsettled in our mind…what is of great worth before the world may constitute a serious stench to God.
The moral here is that what appear worthless in the eye of the world could be of inestimable value before God. On the flip side, what is of great worth before the world may constitute a serious stench to God. We run a big risk if we rate ourselves by the parameters of the world. It is evident that God does not see as man sees; and He does not think as man thinks. It is time to let God determine our true worth and seek honour from Him alone. Anything other than this will subject us to the same anxiety that characterizes the unbelievers.