When Paul wrote to Timothy and noted that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, he was not referring to those who have plenty of it already. The love of money is a pit which both the rich and yet to be rich can fall into. The subject is a matter of the heart. The love of money may manifest in the way people search for it and how they spend it. It may even manifest in how people withhold from using it even when it is to bring some benefits.
Money is to be used to solve problems and honour God. When we flip this and turn it to object of worship, we will find ourselves on a slippery path.
The untimely death of a woman had something to do with withholding. She was diagnosed with appendix. She had some terrible pains and was to be operated upon. She was to make some financial commitment for the procedure, but she told everybody she had no dime anywhere. Eventually, she gave up the ghost. After her death, it was discovered that at the edge of the wrapper she had on was tied some thousands of naira. Not as if that would be sufficient for all the medical expenses; but that perhaps would have been enough to jumpstart the process of saving her life. The neighbours simply used the money to buy a coffin! Talk of being penny wise and pound foolish! You need biblical understanding of money. It is meant to be a tool; a servant of some sort. Money is to be used to solve problems and honour God. When we flip this and turn it to object of worship, we will find ourselves on a slippery path.