One of the criteria for placement in the Bible is to hate greed. God knows that those who suffer from greed suffer from vision impairment, so they are to be excused. Balaam indeed had his vision impaired by greed. He was the prophet hired by Balaak to curse Israel. God did not approve that mission; but he chose to go anyway, having been blinded by greed. In one last divine ditch to sway the erring prophet, the ass on which he rode spoke with man’s voice to rebuke his madness. Majority of people who read the story of Balaam may be quick in condemning him for being insensitive to what God was saying. We are tempted to think that he really crossed the line, and that was why God had to humble him by getting the dumb ass to talk. If truth be told, we all may have had our encounter with a “talking donkey”. Really, it is a talking nature.
Everything in nature is talking…God expects us to pay attention to the message of nature and draw wisdom…By taking heed unto the voice of nature, we can avoid the many stupid ventures that will get our fingers burnt, if not an entire destiny.
Everything in nature is talking. According to Psalm 19 the firmament tells of God’s work; and both day and night have the mysteries of God to deliver to the discerning mind. God uses all of these to egg us on along some paths or to caution us from causes with disastrous endings. The rumble of the cloud has an interpretation; so is the sun when it is blazingly hot. God expects us to pay attention to the message of nature and draw wisdom. Nature is God’s own testimonial that He exists, and has placed order into all things He made. By taking heed unto the voice of nature, we can avoid the many stupid ventures that will get our fingers burnt, if not an entire destiny.