The angel of the Lord gave a back-to-base order to Hagar when he found her in the wilderness. This would appear to be a curious order judging from the fact that she ran from the harsh treatment meted to her by Sarah. What could be the reason? From hindsight, it is probable to say it was for formation of character. Before now we have read that the moment Hagar conceived she began to look down on her boss. Apparently there was pride and arrogance in the life of Hagar which God must chisel away; and that could only be done in harsh environment she found herself in.
God’s ultimate plan is to instill in us divine nature. In conforming us to the image of His Son, God will leave no stone unturned, even if that would mean putting us in difficult situations.
A similar case is found in the New Testament. Onesimus was a runaway slave. He fled his mater’s custody. When he met the Lord through Paul, he was sent back to the same man. We are always seeking for the easy way out of every difficulty; but God has something deeper in mind for allowing those tough situations. He wants us to learn obedience. In most cases, this comes with suffering. Even Jesus learned obedience through sufferings. God’s ultimate plan is to instill in us divine nature. In conforming us to the image of His Son, God will leave no stone unturned, even if that would mean putting us in difficult situations. Next time you seem to be between the rock and the hard place, find out what God is trying to pass across.