Samson had quite some impressive performance in his days as judge over Israel. He was a one-man army who reined in the Philistines. However, he suffered a miserable end to his career. Everyone will agree that his liaison with strange women was his undoing. The other reason which is not expressly stated could be his isolationist approach to life. He had no one who served as armour bearer to him. Now, what God assigned to you falls under the “must do” list. That is your purpose. The next most important thing to this is the people who will help you. Moses understood this point very well; that was why he voiced out his frustration in our text. He wanted to know the people that God would send with him. A purpose without people backup will lead to paralysis.
A purpose without people backup will lead to paralysis. Every purpose carrier needs a friend or circle of friends… A good friend will give you counsel that will save your life and your vision.
Every purpose carrier needs a friend or circle of friends. We do not mean the kind of friend that Jonadab was to Amnon. Jonadab was the one who gave crafty counsel to Amnon how to force his sister to bed, thereby preparing the way to his death ultimately. The kind of friendship that your mandate requires is the type of friend Jonathan was to David. A good friend will give you counsel that will save your life and your vision. A good friend will watch your back. Jonathan did more than this for David; he actually relinquished what would have been his natural right to the throne to pave way for the fulfillment of God’s promise to David. Your friend will not envy you, but support you. True friends will not mind to step aside so you can step ahead.