I had an outstanding tutorial on grace in a rather strange place – on the tarmac. I was among three men who scarcely knew each other, except that we all had the same predicament. We were all intending passengers on Abuja-bound plane, but missed the flight by some fraction of time. We all resorted to doing the next best thing, which was to board the only plane left for the day heading for Lagos and then connect Abuja. The only problem here too was that boarding had been completed; we were at risk of not travelling that day. Then from one end of the airport emerged an ambulance, carrying a man suffering from a stroke on one side of his body. He was booked on this flight to Lagos from where he would connect an International flight. The flight was delayed because of him. That extra time also made room for the three of us to board the plane. One of the crew asked me what the matter was with the sick man. She thought I accompanied him since we boarded about the same time. I explained that I never knew him, except that I had enjoyed his grace to make the flight.
Here is the lesson: It is through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that we have a place with the Father. That grace gave us access to the flight of eternal life. Without His grace, we would have been cut off from the commonwealth. Whenever I remember how I made the flight that day, I think of the access made possible through the death of Jesus on the Cross. Ten years ago, to mark my 50th birthday, I wrote a book: Reflections – Footnotes of A Pilgrim. So much has taken place between then and now, all attributable to the grace of our Lord Jesus. Grace is a word closely associated with mercy, and I have received both in large doses. Like Paul said, I am what I am by the grace of God. If ever I will amount to anything better, it will still be due to grace.