I heard the story told about one of Nigeria’s former presidents. He was queried why he seemed to be looking away from certain situations and did nothing. He was quoted as saying that if he decided to use as much as 10% of the power of his office untempered, he was going to set the entire country on fire. One of the several attributes of God is that of His omnipotence. He is not just powerful; all power belongs to Him. However, God did not rely on His immeasurable power while creating the heavens; He rather engaged wisdom. Most men would go after power. However, it is incontrovertible that those who wield power untempered without wisdom will self-destruct. No wonder that the Bible places premium on wisdom above raw strength. “Wisdom is better than weapons of war; But one sinner destroys much good.” Ecclesiastes 9:18 NKJV
“Most men would go after power. However, it is incontrovertible that those who wield power untempered without wisdom will self-destruct.”
The entities called heaven and earth, came by the wisdom of God. That leads us to the first lesson. If God needed wisdom to create all things, we equally need wisdom to make sense of our individual worlds. Secondly, we must get our priorities right. As we said earlier, an average man will clamour for power; but wisdom comes first. When prodded by God, Solomon did not ask for power but wisdom. Everything else came as add-ons to him. Finally, when you become a person of power, apply discretion in how you engage it.